Want to know functionally important regions of your Protein?
     DynFunc      Bhadra and Pal (2014) Proteins 82, 2443-2454. [link]

Protein function
     ProKnow (@UCLA)      Pal and Eisenberg (2005) Structure 13, 121-130. [link]

Puzzling out protein quaternary structure
     IPAC      Mitra and Pal (2011) Structure 19, 304-312. [link]
     COMPACT      Mitra and Pal (2011) Structure 19, 304-312. [link]

Protein-protein docking
     PROBE      Mitra and Pal (2011) Journal of Computational Chemistry 32, 787-796. [link]
     PRUNE      Mitra and Pal (2011) Nucleic Acids Res. 39 W229-W234. [link]


Intrinsic terminators of transcription
     WebGeSTer      Mitra, Kesarwani, Pal, and Nagaraja (2011) Nucleic Acids Res. 39, D129-D135. [link]

Protein-protein docking decoys
     dockYard      Mitra and Pal (2011) Journal of Molecular Modeling 17, 599-606.[link]


Identifying metabolites in NMR based metabolomics
     PROMEB      Abhinav Dubey, Annapoorni Rangarajan, Debnath Pal and Hanudatta Sastry Atreya (2015) Analytical Chemistry 87, 12197-12205. [link]
Chemical Shifts to Metabolic Pathways
     ChemSMP      Abhinav Dubey, Annapoorni Rangarajan, Debnath Pal and Hanudatta Sastry Atreya (2015) Analytical Chemistry 87, 7148-7155. [link]

Coarse grained force field for protein simulations
     CGMM      Bhadra and Pal (2017) Comput. Biol. Med. 83 134-142. [link]

Packing and complementarity at protein contacts
     NIP-NSc      Mitra and Pal (2010) FEBS Letters 584, 1163-1168. [link]