International Humbodt Kolleg on Interdisciplinary Science: Catalyst for Sustainable Progress, September 4-6, 2014

Mail your Abstract to after you have registered yourself. In the Subject line please mention the registration number followed by your name.

Abstract Formatting Guidelines

Please strictly follow the abstract guidelines and formatting information.
Microsoft Word 2003 or higher is required for preparing your abstract. The running title is located in the upper right hand corner of your paper to be displayed in font size 9. The title of the paper needs to be centered, bold and in font size 14. Your name, department, university, and university address needs to be centered and in font size 12. Use two blank lines to separate the abstract body.
Paper Size: A4.
Margin: 1.25" on left and right, 1.00" on top and bottom.
Line spacing = single.
Acceptable Electronic Formats: MS WORD and PDF.
Running Title in the upper right hand corner. Font Size: Times New Roman-9
'First Author Surname' et al. 'Short Title in about 20 characters'
The title should be centered and one space below the heading. Times New Roman-14, bold.
Protein Function Annotation
Personal Data
Debnath Pal
Supercomputer Education Research Centre
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012
Karnataka, India

Abstract Word Limit: 250.
Abstract (bold and in font size 12, left aligned)
Keywords: function, protein, annotation, gene ontology, structure (left aligned)
Abstract text should be Times New Roman-12 and the text alignment should be justified. Please take care in properly setting Greek letters as well as mathematical notations, if any. References should be cited in the format (author surname and author surname, year) or (author surname et al., year) if the number of authors in the citations are two or more, respectively. Include illustrations only if absolutely essential.
References (Optional item, bold and in font size 12, left aligned)
Authors should be arranged in alphabetical order and in the following example format. (font size 12, left aligned)
(1). Sanger, F. & Coulson, A. R. (1975). A rapid method for determining sequences in DNA by the primed synthesis with DNA polymerase. J. Mol. Biol. 94, 441-448.
(2). Goto, Y., Calciano, L. J. & Fink, A. F. (1990). Acid-induced folding of proteins. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87, 573-577. (3).Articles in books should include the title of the article, the name of the book, editor(s), edition number, first and last page numbers, the name and the location of the publisher, e.g.,
Hanks, S. K. & Hunter, T. (1995). The eukaryotic protein kinase superfamily. In The Protein Kinase FactsBook: Protein-Serine Kinases (Hardie, G. & Hanks, S., eds), pp. 747, Academic Press, London.
(3). Internet. Reference to material which is available on the Internet but has not been published elsewhere should be made in the text only and should not be included in the reference list.

Important: Failure to adhere to formatting guidelines may result in rejection of your abstract prior to the screening stage.