Humboldt Kolleg Organizers

Interdisciplinary Science: Catalyst for Sustainable Progress


Debnath Pal
Vice President
AvH Association, Bangalore
Supercomputer Edu. Res. Centre
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012

Sashikumaar Ganesan
General Sectretary
AvH Association, Bangalore
Supercomputer Edu. Res. Centre
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012

Thematic Leaders

Chemical Biology
Govindasamy Mugesh
Dep. Inorg. Phys. Chem.
Indian Inst. Sci.
Bangalore 560 012

Medicine & Technology
Satish Adiga
Kasturba Med. College
Manipal University
Manipal 576 104

Interdisciplinary Thinking
Vidyanand Nanjundiah
Dep. Mol. Reprod. Devel. Genet.
Indian Inst. Sci.
Bangalore 560 012

Computational Science
Sashikumaar Ganesan
Supercomputer Edu. Res. Centre
Indian Inst. Sci.
Bangalore 560 012

Computational Biology
Debnath Pal
Supercomputer Edu. Res. Centre
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012

Materials and Energy
Partha Sarathi Mukherjee
Dep. Inorg. Phys. Chem.
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012
AvH Association, Bangalore Office Bearers